Tuesday 16 December 2008


What I produced is a video showing the possible effects of bullying and how it could be solved if you speak to someone about it.
It didn't go to plan as I originally created it to be but it came out okay in the end. Its similar to what I had previously planned because its still the same storyline, same aim and the same actors as I intensionally planned to have before. What's different to what I had planned before was the way I created my storyboard. On the board I drew a scene where the helper looks on at the bullies apologising, I didn't include this in the actual film because I didn't see it to fit in with what I had filmed before so thought I could cut it out.

The reading of my video from the audience was very positive. I got comments saying that it outlined the possible effects of what could happen to a victim when getting into the hands of a bully and that it all worked out in the end. The audience gave it an average rating of 7 out of 10 which, in my eyes, is really good because I don't see myself as a very good director/script writer so was really impressed with the comments I recieved.

My strengths and weaknesses about this whole project would probably be the actual installation of where I would show my video. This was a weakness for me because I had difficultly in trying to find a venue which would show my video. I did try my old secondary school but they declined. After finding this out I thought I would decide to show it in college but the day I wanted to show it was unavailable as someone else was already using the room I needed. My last resort was my house. It had good and bad things about it but it all worked out in the end. I didnt have a big audience as I thought I would have had but at least I can say someone viewed it.
A strength in this would be actually completing the video because I said to myself before 'I can't get this done by the deadline' but I proved myself wrong and I'm greatful for it
What I would change for if I needed to do this again would possibly be cutting some of the scenes shorter. I would do this because I had one scene that went on for nearly 2 minutes.

Wednesday 10 December 2008


Started filming on Monday, it went well but could have gone better.
Firstly, one of the actors was away so I had to replace them with someone else, the room I needed to use was being used so I needed to quickly find another room. Luckily they were the only two problems I had experienced on the first day of filming. After I had finished setting the filming area up I began to shoot the scene. It was a good rehearsal with all actors participating well and doing brilliantly.
The last day of filming was properly the worst as not all the actors showed up and one of them wasn’t wearing what they were meant to be wearing. I was made to wait a few more days until I could shoot the final scene.

Logging the work was okay as I didn't have many shots to log. The only scene which had a lot to log was when the two victims got together; the main problem was one of the actors kept using different voices which made the other character laugh.
After I finished logging all the footage, I was then able to upload it all to the mac computer. Uploading this took a long time because I couldn't find a firewire. Once I did find one, the computer I chose to use wouldn't respond which meant I had to change computers.

Editing the film together was very difficult seeing as I've never had to edit something before, usually I'd be working with other people and they'd edit it whilst I did the paper work. Editing the footage took just over 2/3 days to complete. I kept changing my mind of what effects I wanted to add to it and then had to think about sound; I was hesitant whether to add music or to just keep the sound that was already captured by the camera. After thinking about it, I chose to keep the sound I already had.

Exhibition plan

Exhibition plan

I have decided to exhibit my video at my house because my first two plans didn’t get the approval that I needed. I thought I would use my house as a last option as bullying can be witnessed at home as well as at work and school. The time it will be shown is around 10-11am and the date of the showing will be 12th December.
The location is relevant to my video because bullying can happen in the home as well as in school as people might be bullied by their siblings, parents or other relatives.

Thursday 13 November 2008

Number 4

The use of exhibition space to create meaning can change all the time, it is all based on the location of where you view the piece. Like if you decide to show it in the local park, it could be because you wanted to show it to the general public or it was based around them.
A short while ago, we visited the TATE gallery to view some pieces by artists. Each film was shown in different locations in the gallery and each had their own meaning to the work. An example of this would be PSI girls by Susan Hiller. Her work involved five different screens. Each screen had a different film, one of the films being Matilda. Her work showed a good example of this because if you were to see this somewhere else you wouldn't really be interested in it.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Btec National Diploma In Media (Film and TV) Treatment



DURATION: Between 2-5mins


AUDIO: No audio as of yet; possibly diegetic

The outline of audience would be everyone, not just certain people because anyone could be a bully no matter what age and gender they are.

The outline of the story will be based on bullying and how people suffer with it during everyday life. It will show 2 people getting bullied in different ways and then someone trying to help them out to resolve it.
By this video it will possibly send out a message to people saying that bullying is wrong and that everyone shouldn’t have to go through it.

Bully 1- This is the bully who fights alone
Bully 2- This bully likes help when bullying someone
Bully 3- This bully is afraid of their actions and wants to overcome it and be nice
Victim 1- Being bullied over their learning skills
Victim 2- Bullied by the way they look
Helper- This will be the person who will help the vi
ctims through what they are suffering.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Review on Doll Face

This is my review of Doll Face.

The film we watched last week was called Doll Face. It was created by a man called Andy Huang in the 21st Century using technology called CGI (Computer Graphic Imagery)
The visual images used in this chosen piece were a greyish room and a lot of machinery such as a television and a box. Inside the box also includes a lot of machinery which consisted of a robotic arm and head, but the face was human. It was filmed in colour but had a hint of black and white to it before the make up was applied to the face.
The types of audio used in this piece was Non- Diegetic because it was created using computer graphic imagery so the sound would have been added in at that stage or just after. Sounds included were; when the robot moved closer towards the TV, when the robot got moved away from the TV and also sound coming from the TV. There was also music played in the background to give it an effect.
The premise of this video is people are sometimes seen as copying what they see on the TV, it’s as if they are being forced to look like someone else when they can actually be themselves and not copy what they see before them.
The thoughts I am left with after seeing this video are very positive because it gives out a message that you don’t have to look like others to be beautiful. I saw this message because as soon as the robot started copying what she saw on the screen the tv moved further away and soon it moved so far away that the robot couldn’t get any nearer to it and she collapsed with stress of trying to force herself to get closer to it when she knew she couldn’t.

Monday 13 October 2008

6; audience interpretations

The reaction for Koyaanisqatsi was very negative with some positive comments added. Some said it was a complicated piece of footage as it didn’t include speech and others said it really showed you what life is like in fast and slow motion.
For Telling Lies, it was all positive comments ranging from “great film” to “brilliant”.
1001 nights was also a mixed reaction like Koyaanisqatsi as some people said they were lost after the words “limo” and “rhino” were mentioned.

It doesn’t matter that we all have different views on the films as everyone is entitled to their own opinions and says on what they see. If people hate it, then they hate it, and if people like it, then they like it.
It isn’t really important that we all have one interpretation because then we wouldn’t be able to get another persons opinion on things.

The relationship that the artist has with the audience is positive. If it wasn't, he wouldn't have included them in his footage. He's obviously put some thought into it which varies from what age group it would be for to how it should be shown. He's used a lot of audience participation.

Friday 10 October 2008

5; How the work inspired me

How these pieces of work have inspired me to create my own work is very high as they each features magnificent shots, each in their own unique way.
What I liked about Doll Face was it was all made by computer graphics and all they added was a human face to a robotic body. It shows that people want to copy how others look when they appear on a screen. It can be described as copying someone elses look to try and be perfect like them.
Another film which inspired me was Telling Lies. I liked the way you could only hear the phone call and understand it without needing to see an image. It shows you can still create a film without needing to add a picture and it still being able to make sense.
My idea for my film would be based on these two films; like merging them as one. I would take the inspiration from Doll Face and the lies from Telling Lies. I think this would make a great film and still give out a message like Doll Face did.

3; Narrative and non Narrative Structures

The storyline in Telling Lies is a simple structure as beginning, middle and end. There is no complex or different structure included in it. Its basically a phone call between several people who are each telling lies to one another about the night before.
The storyline in 1001 nights is a bit more complex than Telling Lies as there is no storyline. Its just 5 women talking about the war from start to finish.
The storyline in Koyaanisqatsi is also complex, the same as 1001 nights. No storyline was made for the film as it isn’t a story based film. Koyaanisqatsi is just a imagery to music type film which has no simple storyline.

Each story has their own beginning, middle and end which is why some of them are complex and others are simple.

Wednesday 8 October 2008

2; Techniques and styles

Koyaanisqatsi was made in 1982, Telling Lies was made in the 21st Century and 1001 nights made in 1998. From these dates you can examine that each one would feature technology in different ways
Koyaanisqatsi isn't as modern as the other two as it was created in the early 80s so doesn't feature much new technology. It was modern as the time it was created though. The effect it had was very moving as the music made the piece stand out against over films.

Telling Lies is more modern than 1001 nights and Koyaanisqatsi as it was created in the 21st Century. The effect in this short piece was good because it was different to others.
1001 nights is also modern as it was created 10 years ago. The technology isn't all that as when they speak it sounds muffled. It uses a current technology called CGI graphics, also advanced green screening.

Doll Face was created in the 21st century by a man alled Andy Huang. It features a lot of modern technology which was created via Computer Generated Imagery graphics (CGI graphics).

Friday 3 October 2008

1; Reviews

The films I am going to talk about are Koyaanisqatsi, 1001 nights and Telling Lies.
Koyaanisqatsi was created by a man called Godfrey Reggio in 1982. The music was composed by Philip Glass. The film consists of slow motion and time-lapse photos of cities and natural landscapes across America. There is no speech in this film; the only sound available is from the music.

The second film was 1001 nights. This was created by Jananne al-ani and made in 1998. It featured 5 women who were speaking about the war. When they spoke, the speaker opened their eyes and when they weren't speaking their eyes were closed. The third film was Telling Lies. It was created by a man called Simon Ellis. It was about a call between several people and how some of them were lying whilst communicating with their friends down the phone. Two of the characters being called Sarah and Darren. The actual truth was then revealed via text at the same time on the screen. The similarities to these films are that they all include sound. In Koyaanisqatsi, you have background music to associate with the pictures. In 1001 nights, you have speech from when the women talk. In Telling Lies, you have speech from the phone call. The differences are they all have different story lines.

Analysing the films altogether, the films are all very different due to them all being about different subjects. The soundtracks used in each film vary massively due to the genres used. Koyaanisqatsi had classical music whilst Telling Lies had no music, just speech.

Tuesday 30 September 2008


The next film we watched was called Koyaanisquati. This film included no speech but did have music playing in the background, but the type of music played varied on what scene it was.
It used different editing techniques in the footage by speeding up and slowing down. I found this interesting, yet boring at the same time.
My opinion on this film I think is it showed how people might view their life. For example, on some scenes they went really fast. This could show how fast life is, and on others, it was slow, so this could mean that some people view life as something which goes really show.
I would say the premise bit of this film would suggest either life or destruction because throughout the film they kept speeding up scenes and also speeding down scenes; it's as if they are trying to show us how life goes.
The thoughts I am left with after seeing this film are good because I found the film to be very good as it kind of gives us a prospectus of life and how it goes on.

1001 Nights

On friday, we watched two films. The first one was called 1001 nights. This was about 5 women who were describing about war. The audio was a bit muffled but gave it an effect.
The background was a little boring as it was a black ground. In front of it there were 5 woman eaching talking in turn. When they spoke their eyes were open and if they weren't their eyes were closed.
At first I believed it was a good video until I heard the words 'Limo' and 'Rhinosaurus'.
My opinion on this film would be it was interesting but I did get a little bored of it after 3 minutes.

The dialogue being used by these women sounded as if they were speaking in monotone because sometimes I got switched off because of their tone of voice. It made them sound a little dull and that you didn't want to listen to what they were saying.

Craft && Concept

What I think Craft means is how somethings made. This includes the tools and techniques used whilst making art etc. For example, painting a picture or sculpting a model out of materails. In other words, it means looking beyond the picture itself. Leonardo da vinci is another example with his painting of Mona Lisa.

For concept, I would say something to do with planning. For example, picking up a pen and saying "this is a writing appliance." This is an example of concept because they didn't make or create the pen. They just came up with the idea what what they wanted it to be.

Telling Lies

We watched three films which were called 'Telling Lies', 'The Girl Chewing Gum' and 'Jan Kounen'. From these three films I liked 'Telling Lies'
'Telling Lies' was created by Simon Ellis. It was about a call between a few people and how some of them were lying whilst communicating with their friends down the phone. Two of the characters being called Sarah and Darren. The actual truth was then revealed via text on the video screen. What I found funny about this film was it included some swear language but this gave the footage some laughter which I enjoyed. The audio used in this footage was Non-Diagetic.
The types of audio being used included phone dialling, speech, hanging up tone and some music in the background.
Premise notes include account on night before as the phone call was all about last night. Also people saying something but lying/covering it up without the other person knowing. It allows the imagination to wonder and give it different meanings.

Monday 29 September 2008

Video task; experimental video

In class this afternoon, we watched 3 experimental videos from last years class. From what I saw out of the three I would say Ludias's was the best one. I think this because the sounds make were Diagetic (made in the video; not edited in during post-production)
I liked how they could make sounds to a hidden beat and still make it still sound like good music. From what I saw it included 3 different people making different sounds involving their mouths, hands and feet to create a beat. I would say this film was Craft as it was creative. The premise to this would be appreciate peace because sometimes you might not get it, so value it while you can. I think this because at the end of the film it said "appreciate it...Peace =)"

Monday 22 September 2008

Seaside Pictures

I like this picture I took from Brighton because it is a sentimental piece which represented brighton many years ago before it got burnt down. I also like this picture because the way the sea glimmers from the sunlight makes the picture look rich.

I like this picture because it shows Brighton as a town, not just a seaside. I love the way the buildings tower from each other and how you can see clearly through the decayed metal poles.

What does Experimental Media mean?

In my words, I think Experimental Media means experimenting with differents frames and effects via a video camera and then editing it in a editing programme and adding your own things to it. For example, a group of people could be making a video of the same thing but the end product could be different because they added their own ideas and made it their own.

What I expect to create as part of this assignment is a video which features good film techniques and great editing skills.