Tuesday 16 December 2008


What I produced is a video showing the possible effects of bullying and how it could be solved if you speak to someone about it.
It didn't go to plan as I originally created it to be but it came out okay in the end. Its similar to what I had previously planned because its still the same storyline, same aim and the same actors as I intensionally planned to have before. What's different to what I had planned before was the way I created my storyboard. On the board I drew a scene where the helper looks on at the bullies apologising, I didn't include this in the actual film because I didn't see it to fit in with what I had filmed before so thought I could cut it out.

The reading of my video from the audience was very positive. I got comments saying that it outlined the possible effects of what could happen to a victim when getting into the hands of a bully and that it all worked out in the end. The audience gave it an average rating of 7 out of 10 which, in my eyes, is really good because I don't see myself as a very good director/script writer so was really impressed with the comments I recieved.

My strengths and weaknesses about this whole project would probably be the actual installation of where I would show my video. This was a weakness for me because I had difficultly in trying to find a venue which would show my video. I did try my old secondary school but they declined. After finding this out I thought I would decide to show it in college but the day I wanted to show it was unavailable as someone else was already using the room I needed. My last resort was my house. It had good and bad things about it but it all worked out in the end. I didnt have a big audience as I thought I would have had but at least I can say someone viewed it.
A strength in this would be actually completing the video because I said to myself before 'I can't get this done by the deadline' but I proved myself wrong and I'm greatful for it
What I would change for if I needed to do this again would possibly be cutting some of the scenes shorter. I would do this because I had one scene that went on for nearly 2 minutes.

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