Wednesday 15 October 2008

Review on Doll Face

This is my review of Doll Face.

The film we watched last week was called Doll Face. It was created by a man called Andy Huang in the 21st Century using technology called CGI (Computer Graphic Imagery)
The visual images used in this chosen piece were a greyish room and a lot of machinery such as a television and a box. Inside the box also includes a lot of machinery which consisted of a robotic arm and head, but the face was human. It was filmed in colour but had a hint of black and white to it before the make up was applied to the face.
The types of audio used in this piece was Non- Diegetic because it was created using computer graphic imagery so the sound would have been added in at that stage or just after. Sounds included were; when the robot moved closer towards the TV, when the robot got moved away from the TV and also sound coming from the TV. There was also music played in the background to give it an effect.
The premise of this video is people are sometimes seen as copying what they see on the TV, it’s as if they are being forced to look like someone else when they can actually be themselves and not copy what they see before them.
The thoughts I am left with after seeing this video are very positive because it gives out a message that you don’t have to look like others to be beautiful. I saw this message because as soon as the robot started copying what she saw on the screen the tv moved further away and soon it moved so far away that the robot couldn’t get any nearer to it and she collapsed with stress of trying to force herself to get closer to it when she knew she couldn’t.

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