Tuesday 30 September 2008


The next film we watched was called Koyaanisquati. This film included no speech but did have music playing in the background, but the type of music played varied on what scene it was.
It used different editing techniques in the footage by speeding up and slowing down. I found this interesting, yet boring at the same time.
My opinion on this film I think is it showed how people might view their life. For example, on some scenes they went really fast. This could show how fast life is, and on others, it was slow, so this could mean that some people view life as something which goes really show.
I would say the premise bit of this film would suggest either life or destruction because throughout the film they kept speeding up scenes and also speeding down scenes; it's as if they are trying to show us how life goes.
The thoughts I am left with after seeing this film are good because I found the film to be very good as it kind of gives us a prospectus of life and how it goes on.

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