Wednesday 10 December 2008


Started filming on Monday, it went well but could have gone better.
Firstly, one of the actors was away so I had to replace them with someone else, the room I needed to use was being used so I needed to quickly find another room. Luckily they were the only two problems I had experienced on the first day of filming. After I had finished setting the filming area up I began to shoot the scene. It was a good rehearsal with all actors participating well and doing brilliantly.
The last day of filming was properly the worst as not all the actors showed up and one of them wasn’t wearing what they were meant to be wearing. I was made to wait a few more days until I could shoot the final scene.

Logging the work was okay as I didn't have many shots to log. The only scene which had a lot to log was when the two victims got together; the main problem was one of the actors kept using different voices which made the other character laugh.
After I finished logging all the footage, I was then able to upload it all to the mac computer. Uploading this took a long time because I couldn't find a firewire. Once I did find one, the computer I chose to use wouldn't respond which meant I had to change computers.

Editing the film together was very difficult seeing as I've never had to edit something before, usually I'd be working with other people and they'd edit it whilst I did the paper work. Editing the footage took just over 2/3 days to complete. I kept changing my mind of what effects I wanted to add to it and then had to think about sound; I was hesitant whether to add music or to just keep the sound that was already captured by the camera. After thinking about it, I chose to keep the sound I already had.

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