Tuesday 30 September 2008


The next film we watched was called Koyaanisquati. This film included no speech but did have music playing in the background, but the type of music played varied on what scene it was.
It used different editing techniques in the footage by speeding up and slowing down. I found this interesting, yet boring at the same time.
My opinion on this film I think is it showed how people might view their life. For example, on some scenes they went really fast. This could show how fast life is, and on others, it was slow, so this could mean that some people view life as something which goes really show.
I would say the premise bit of this film would suggest either life or destruction because throughout the film they kept speeding up scenes and also speeding down scenes; it's as if they are trying to show us how life goes.
The thoughts I am left with after seeing this film are good because I found the film to be very good as it kind of gives us a prospectus of life and how it goes on.

1001 Nights

On friday, we watched two films. The first one was called 1001 nights. This was about 5 women who were describing about war. The audio was a bit muffled but gave it an effect.
The background was a little boring as it was a black ground. In front of it there were 5 woman eaching talking in turn. When they spoke their eyes were open and if they weren't their eyes were closed.
At first I believed it was a good video until I heard the words 'Limo' and 'Rhinosaurus'.
My opinion on this film would be it was interesting but I did get a little bored of it after 3 minutes.

The dialogue being used by these women sounded as if they were speaking in monotone because sometimes I got switched off because of their tone of voice. It made them sound a little dull and that you didn't want to listen to what they were saying.

Craft && Concept

What I think Craft means is how somethings made. This includes the tools and techniques used whilst making art etc. For example, painting a picture or sculpting a model out of materails. In other words, it means looking beyond the picture itself. Leonardo da vinci is another example with his painting of Mona Lisa.

For concept, I would say something to do with planning. For example, picking up a pen and saying "this is a writing appliance." This is an example of concept because they didn't make or create the pen. They just came up with the idea what what they wanted it to be.

Telling Lies

We watched three films which were called 'Telling Lies', 'The Girl Chewing Gum' and 'Jan Kounen'. From these three films I liked 'Telling Lies'
'Telling Lies' was created by Simon Ellis. It was about a call between a few people and how some of them were lying whilst communicating with their friends down the phone. Two of the characters being called Sarah and Darren. The actual truth was then revealed via text on the video screen. What I found funny about this film was it included some swear language but this gave the footage some laughter which I enjoyed. The audio used in this footage was Non-Diagetic.
The types of audio being used included phone dialling, speech, hanging up tone and some music in the background.
Premise notes include account on night before as the phone call was all about last night. Also people saying something but lying/covering it up without the other person knowing. It allows the imagination to wonder and give it different meanings.

Monday 29 September 2008

Video task; experimental video

In class this afternoon, we watched 3 experimental videos from last years class. From what I saw out of the three I would say Ludias's was the best one. I think this because the sounds make were Diagetic (made in the video; not edited in during post-production)
I liked how they could make sounds to a hidden beat and still make it still sound like good music. From what I saw it included 3 different people making different sounds involving their mouths, hands and feet to create a beat. I would say this film was Craft as it was creative. The premise to this would be appreciate peace because sometimes you might not get it, so value it while you can. I think this because at the end of the film it said "appreciate it...Peace =)"

Monday 22 September 2008

Seaside Pictures

I like this picture I took from Brighton because it is a sentimental piece which represented brighton many years ago before it got burnt down. I also like this picture because the way the sea glimmers from the sunlight makes the picture look rich.

I like this picture because it shows Brighton as a town, not just a seaside. I love the way the buildings tower from each other and how you can see clearly through the decayed metal poles.

What does Experimental Media mean?

In my words, I think Experimental Media means experimenting with differents frames and effects via a video camera and then editing it in a editing programme and adding your own things to it. For example, a group of people could be making a video of the same thing but the end product could be different because they added their own ideas and made it their own.

What I expect to create as part of this assignment is a video which features good film techniques and great editing skills.