Tuesday 16 December 2008


What I produced is a video showing the possible effects of bullying and how it could be solved if you speak to someone about it.
It didn't go to plan as I originally created it to be but it came out okay in the end. Its similar to what I had previously planned because its still the same storyline, same aim and the same actors as I intensionally planned to have before. What's different to what I had planned before was the way I created my storyboard. On the board I drew a scene where the helper looks on at the bullies apologising, I didn't include this in the actual film because I didn't see it to fit in with what I had filmed before so thought I could cut it out.

The reading of my video from the audience was very positive. I got comments saying that it outlined the possible effects of what could happen to a victim when getting into the hands of a bully and that it all worked out in the end. The audience gave it an average rating of 7 out of 10 which, in my eyes, is really good because I don't see myself as a very good director/script writer so was really impressed with the comments I recieved.

My strengths and weaknesses about this whole project would probably be the actual installation of where I would show my video. This was a weakness for me because I had difficultly in trying to find a venue which would show my video. I did try my old secondary school but they declined. After finding this out I thought I would decide to show it in college but the day I wanted to show it was unavailable as someone else was already using the room I needed. My last resort was my house. It had good and bad things about it but it all worked out in the end. I didnt have a big audience as I thought I would have had but at least I can say someone viewed it.
A strength in this would be actually completing the video because I said to myself before 'I can't get this done by the deadline' but I proved myself wrong and I'm greatful for it
What I would change for if I needed to do this again would possibly be cutting some of the scenes shorter. I would do this because I had one scene that went on for nearly 2 minutes.

Wednesday 10 December 2008


Started filming on Monday, it went well but could have gone better.
Firstly, one of the actors was away so I had to replace them with someone else, the room I needed to use was being used so I needed to quickly find another room. Luckily they were the only two problems I had experienced on the first day of filming. After I had finished setting the filming area up I began to shoot the scene. It was a good rehearsal with all actors participating well and doing brilliantly.
The last day of filming was properly the worst as not all the actors showed up and one of them wasn’t wearing what they were meant to be wearing. I was made to wait a few more days until I could shoot the final scene.

Logging the work was okay as I didn't have many shots to log. The only scene which had a lot to log was when the two victims got together; the main problem was one of the actors kept using different voices which made the other character laugh.
After I finished logging all the footage, I was then able to upload it all to the mac computer. Uploading this took a long time because I couldn't find a firewire. Once I did find one, the computer I chose to use wouldn't respond which meant I had to change computers.

Editing the film together was very difficult seeing as I've never had to edit something before, usually I'd be working with other people and they'd edit it whilst I did the paper work. Editing the footage took just over 2/3 days to complete. I kept changing my mind of what effects I wanted to add to it and then had to think about sound; I was hesitant whether to add music or to just keep the sound that was already captured by the camera. After thinking about it, I chose to keep the sound I already had.

Exhibition plan

Exhibition plan

I have decided to exhibit my video at my house because my first two plans didn’t get the approval that I needed. I thought I would use my house as a last option as bullying can be witnessed at home as well as at work and school. The time it will be shown is around 10-11am and the date of the showing will be 12th December.
The location is relevant to my video because bullying can happen in the home as well as in school as people might be bullied by their siblings, parents or other relatives.